Email cannot be empty
Password cannot be empty
Email format error
Email cannot be empty
Email already exists
6-20 characters(letters plus numbers only)
The password is inconsistent
Email format error
Email cannot be empty
Email does not exist
6-20 characters(letters plus numbers only)
The password is inconsistent
How to make paint?
Step one: Dosing, Prepare and weigh all raw materials right way, according paints formuala to put raw materails in dispersing tank one by one.
Step two: dispersing, mixing and dissolving all materails within time requested by paints formulas.
Step three: grinding the paint into the size which you need. Some paints if in high quality needs, you need to use nano bead mill to grind them till the particle size reach your needs.
Step four: add some paints agents or pigments to make the paint colors or make it perfect charactors.
Step five: Filling, capping and packing the paints.